We take pride in buying our bull customers Red Angus heifer calves back. These heifers are put into our replacement program, which is designed to provide top quality Red Angus replacement females. We AI the heifers to our Sandhill Red Angus calving ease, high growth bulls and later turn the heifers out on the Montana range to be pasture bred to our bulls. These females prove year after year to be moderately framed, easy fleshing, docile, and of top quality.

2025 Annual Production Sale Featuring,

100 Bred Heifers

Commercial Red Angus

100 First Calf Pairs

Commercial Red Angus

** Females will sell first - followed by the bulls - CATTLE SELL IN CATALOG ORDER


This may be the best set of bred heifers we have ever had to offer.  These beautiful bred heifers are coming right off the top of our replacement program and are to calve April 1st for 30 days.  If you are looking for fertile females, take a look here. These heifers are bred to low birth weight, Sandhill Red Angus bulls. These heifers will raise a great set of calves for years to come.

Contact Andrew Johnson

(406) 489-3773 for more information